Sunday, December 11, 2011

Magnolia Mound Plantation

Today we went to the Magnolia Mound Plantation for Holly's school Christmas program.  There were lots of interesting activities there such as wool thread spinning, marshmallow roasting, wood working, and eating sugar cane.

Red Stick Farmers Market

The Red Stick Farmers Market in downtown Baton Rouge

A Stargazer had a telescope with a filter disc for viewing the sun.  We could even see the sunspots.

Holly was so excited about the satsuma oranges, the lady gave her three to eat right away.

Our wonderful haul from the farmer's market.
We went to the Red Stick Farmers Market in downtown Baton Rouge and got lots of stuff including satsuma oranges, strawberries, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, and gator sausage.